Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Fifth Press Release

Our offer to meet the Principal and members of the Glasgow University management at 12 noon today has been accepted. The location of the Fraser Building has been decided as a neutral location. We welcome this development and the opportunity to negotiate our political demands. We hope the University management will present us with an acceptable offer so that this situation can be resolved as quickly and successfully as possible.

The students of the Glasgow University Occupation


  1. We hope the University management will present us with an acceptable offer so that this situation can be resolved as quickly and successfully as possible.

    While we hope that they screw you and your infantile antics good and hard.

    Though more likely they will fob you off with platitudes - which you will laughably claim as a "victory" - just as they have done most other "occupations".

  2. I hope that the university encourages the Gaza appeal, severs ties with known arms dealers (On both sides), and looks into some form of embargo on Israeli goods.

    I also hope that those occupying the build are suitably punished, illegal occupation is illegal occupation. As well as no scholarships to Palestinian students. University should be based on academic merit. If a more suitable candidate, by this i mean has greater academic pedigree, wants to study at this University then they should be given priority over those who have found themselves victim to tragic circumstance.

    While i respect your passion, you must start to think of things logically. The present state of the world is a result of illogical actions of a small minority of people. Don't fall victim to this.

    And persecuting innocent Israelis is not something that should be condoned.

  3. It's good to see Glasgow Uni getting back into some action. There's been nothing like this guys. You've held out amazingly.

    And if they renege on their promises, they can be sure there will be more sit-ins. This is just the start of something.

    Keep focused, remember this is an example to all those apathetic students that barely participate in the University community.

  4. In response to your claim that we are apathetic we have made our own group. We have more Facebook members than you do. If you piss us off by disrupting our education you get no support. We believe that number nine of your demands is racist and unjust. To discriminate against an academic for their nationality and beliefs is diabolical. Why are you outside a Computer Science building when we have an Aeronautical engineering department. Can you even name the projects and staff which have been funded by BAE or is it just a bullshit excuse to have chosen the newest and most comfortable departmental building in the University?? We believe in peace and free speech but this demonstration is a sham!

  5. I note with interest that you twats haven't reported on the outcome of your meeting with the principal - did it not work out too well for you? Maybe all the messages of support he's been receiving from people thoroughly pissed off with your disruptive, intimidatory and childish behaviour has convinced him that you are in fact a very small (if vocal) minority section of the student body.

  6. Nope, that'll be because we've won the screening of the DEC appeal, setting up of a Glasgow Palestinian Scholarship fund, uni-wide day of fundraising for Gaza, a re-assessment of the uni's investments policy, etc, and we've all gone to get pissed. I hear the reactionary demo was suitably poorly-attended as well; so, in essence, you can be arsed to sit around calling names and clicking mice, but you can't actually be bothered to, say, get outside. Cheers guys, good to know the right is still tops at making itself look (more) stupid.

  7. "Cheers guys, good to know the right is still tops at making itself look (more) stupid."

    The right? Elaborate please. If you're suggesting (as I suspect you are) that anyone who doesn't support your idiotic protest must be right-of-centre in their political ideologies then you're even stupider than we all suspected.

    Speaking of right-wing agendas, nice to know you didn't get your ban of Israeli guest speakers approved. For people who're supposed to be against racism in any form it beggars belief that you even suggested it.

    And the 'reactionary demo' was a piss-up (piss-take?) in Jim's bar (and a piss-take, funnily enough). Lighten up will ya, we're just having a laugh at how seriously you take yourself ;)

  8. Made your own facebook group? I'm sure that required a huge amount of effort, but at least your sticking your necks out for your principles eh?

    They occupied ONE room. It was the uni that locked off the building.

    Glasgow Uni is a bastion of 'soft'-conservatism. As long as the white upper-middle class kids can have their hedonism and then get a good job because 'like, I knew some rahly nice bloke, yah, at the GUU', they couldn't give a stuff about anything.

    I'm all for a sense of proportion (this sit-in isn't gonna solve that middle-east is it?), but why so quick to hate guys? Lighten up ;)

  9. 1) He can be forgiven for his generalization "right wing", it only applies to a few Internet trolls . Given that it is likely to be true in most cases, the assumption is not at all unreasonable.
    2) Prior to the occupation - They had nothing. Now their position has significantly improved. Therefore, the occupation cannot be considered a failure, let alone "pointless".
    3) As often, you depict your oponents in a position which is not precise, in order to undermine its strength. The ban was proposed exclusively on those academics who did not oppose, or implicitly condone the war. Whereas this claim is subject to debate, it is not connected with racism in any respect.
    4) My Uni e-mail has received a support-the-ANTI-occupation spam message. Notice that, while capable, the occupation has never recurred to such means.
    5) It is doubtful that facebook as such is a valid means of accounting for the amount of support received. Anyone could actually join the group, even people with more than one profile.

    Normally I dont feed the trolls, but I am in an optimistic mood today. (Thanks to the occupation).

    To the occupation and supporters, thanks, peace and respect.

  10. "Made your own facebook group? I'm sure that required a huge amount of effort, but at least your sticking your necks out for your principles eh?"

    What principles? The principle that we don't like people staging a noisy ego-fest in the middle of the campus?

    "Prior to the occupation - They had nothing. Now their position has significantly improved."

    They didn't have nothing, they had an assurance that the Principle would meet with them and listen to what they had to say. Fundraiser for Gaza? Review of the investment policy? All of these things could have been negotiated without the occupation. So basically it boils down to attention-seeking and ego-stroking, which is why so many people were against it. I'm ashamed that the University backed down so easily to this pathetic posturing.

  11. Oh yeah and in relation to "My Uni e-mail has received a support-the-ANTI-occupation spam message. Notice that, while capable, the occupation has never recurred to such means.":

    Some delightful person spammed a picture of a dead Palestinian baby around the entire Computer Science department as support for your protest. So say that again?

  12. "The principle that we don't like people staging a noisy ego-fest in the middle of the campus?"

    So where was your 'anti new look best dressed uni party at the GUU' facebook group? Sounds like the perfect example of a noisy ego-fest in the middle of campus to me.

    LULZ! I'm off to bed.

  13. It's not an ego-fest masquarading as a serious political campaign though is it? Showing off your oh-so-fab dress sense is irritating but harmless, using a war as a platform for your ego is downright offensive.

    Don't recall them illegally taking over a building, drowning the grounds in posters and flyers or keeping everyone off their studies by chanting nonsense through a megaphone either. LULZ indeed.

  14. "As often, you depict your oponents in a position which is not precise, in order to undermine its strength. The ban was proposed exclusively on those academics who did not oppose, or implicitly condone the war. Whereas this claim is subject to debate, it is not connected with racism in any respect."

    Ah, I see, freedom of speech is valid for you, but not for the others. Thank you for making your point clear. And no, of course, this is not "racism", I'm sure the newspeak department will find a more suitable term for it.

    Banning academics...I cannot believe it!

  15. "Don't recall them illegally taking over a building"

    OMG *rolls eyes* for fudge sake! Stop being a muppet. They took over one conference room on the top floor. The Uni management shut down the building. The Uni used it as a tactic, to provoke your reaction, and thus put pressure on the protesters. Well done pawn.

    Naive of the protesters not to see it coming but pretty naive of you not be recognise the glaringly obvious.

    Also quit confusing 'what you perceive', with 'amazing concrete fact'. So you think the protesters where on an ego-trip, what's your evidence for this assertion?

  16. Yo' fool, you ain't nuthin' but a pawn to Da Man! OMG LULZ.

    Please tell me your liberal use of internet slang doesn't indicate that you're from the CS department, I think I would die of shame to be associated with you through even the loosest of ties. Now excuse me while I drop some humanitarian aid to Gaza from my ROFLcopter, LOLOLOL.

  17. "using a war as a platform for your ego is downright offensive."

    And appropriating the identity of a dead man for a jokey annonymous avatar to spout your own opinions isn't egotistical or offensive at all, I take it?

  18. As a member of the occupation I'd just like to personally thank all of our 'opponents' who spent so much of their *valuable* time and energies lobbying the Uni for us to be chucked out. The pressure this put on the management and the headache it caused them helped us into a more powerful bargaining position and probably allowed us to squeeze a little more from our demands. Cheers!

  19. No-one lobbied anywhere because it would have been pointless; as much as we'd have loved the University to shut off the water and electricity (and wi-fi :P) in SAW or call the police to force you out we're smart enough to realise that it wouldn't have happened. Better to let you shout yourself hoarse then accept what you were offered in the first place and claim "victory".

    What exactly did you acheive that wasn't offered in the initial letter from the Principle?

  20. No reply for me, 'Sir Alwyn'?

  21. Ah sorry rj, here's an answer for you.

    If you think an all-singing, all-dancing 3-day egofest is the same ballpark as 'appropriating' the building name of said egofest as screen name behind which to complain about it then you need a serious lesson in perspective. I would have thought it was blatently, screamingly obvious that these comments aren't written by Sir Alwyn Williams, the most obvious pointer being the fact that he's been dead for four years. It could be potentially harmful to adopt the name of, say, the University Principle and pretend that my comments were associated with him. As it is I'm struggling to see the harm behind a bit of light-hearted humour (unless of course the complaint is being made by a person clutching at straws for something to be offended by).

    Now I've answered your question, why don't you answer mine. Do you really think the protest has received anything from the University that couldn't have been negotiated without the occupation? And do you believe it was worth the cost in terms of the support your movement has lost from the general student body?

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    It's not an ego-fest masquarading being a serious political campaign though is it? Showing off your oh-so-fab dress sense is irritating but harmless, using a war like a platform for your ego is downright offensive.

    Do not recall them illegally taking over a building, drowning the grounds in posters and flyers or keeping everyone off their studies by chanting nonsense through a megaphone either. LULZ indeed.
